Ina’s Fashion Fantastic ” Ermes ” was
⭐ Reserve Best In Show ⭐
Judge Tuula Savolainen 🇫🇮
Lovely handled by Tilda Rinne

⭐⭐ ⭐JUN EXC/1 CQ BM-1 BOB Junior BOB & Reserve Junior BEST IN SHOW ⭐⭐⭐
Multi Ch & Multi Winner Ina’s Fashion Aristocrat “Carlos”
⭐ ⭐ VET EXC/1 CQ BM-2 BOB VET VET CC and new VETERAN Ch ⭐⭐
Handling: Tilda Rinne and Lotta Ravaska for helping at the challenge
Judge Anneli Pukkila 🇫🇮